Monday, August 12, 2013

Awake my Soul

I am a self-professed Mumford and Sons super fan. And this summer, we managed to secure tickets to the first leg of their Gentlemen of the Road Stopover Tour in Lewes.

As well as Mumford and Sons, the weekend line up also included Vampire Weekend, the Vaccines, and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, among others.

In short, it was an unbelievable weekend of camping, flowery headdresses, face paints, glitter, and copious amounts of fruit flavoured cider.

I think the following photographs sum up the two day festival pretty well!

Gentlemen of the Road tour
Gentlemen of the Road tour

Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons
Vampire Weekend
The Vaccines
Ladies who festival
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Ladies who festival, take two
Sunny Lewes
PS - thanks Catie and Tara for the photos!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sandance: Florence and the Machine

As soon as I found out one of favourite artists was heading to Dubai for the one-day music festival, Sandance, I quickly rallied the troops. As you can imagine, it wasn’t exactly difficult to convince anyone.

We decided to fly on the Thursday evening to make the most of our little trip. Whilst it is only a little hop over on the plane, we rarely visit the city. We spent our first evening dancing and singing along to the lively house band at Jambase in Madinat Jumeirah. 

Take one...

Take two...
The next day we decided to try and be semi-productive. Any activity when hungover is a bad idea. Shopping is no exception. Attempting to browse the bajillions (slight exaggeration perhaps) stores that make up the sprawling Dubai Mall in such a fragile condition was pretty taxing. The worst part of our little adventure was queuing for a taxi. There is only one way to describe it: soul-destroying.

However, rejuvenated by a cheeky little nap (everyone’s favourite) and food, we headed out to the Atlantis Hotel. I love a bit of forward planning, but as Sandance virgins, none of us had thought about the issue of traffic heading onto the Palm. What should have been a relatively short trip, took us well over an hour. As a result, we unfortunately missed Keane (the fact that I only know one of their songs is completely irrelevant).

Despite our initial hiccup, Florence and the Machine did not disappoint. Aided by pitchers of alcohol, flashing glasses, glow sticks, and dancing on the beach, she was by far one of the most spectacular things I have ever seen live.
Pulling faces

Florence and the Machine
Florence and the Machine
Florence and the Machine
I suppose our little jaunt to Dubai Mall was not entirely wasted as the night ended back in the hotel room eating leftover California Pizza, Chilis, and McDonalds. Score.