Monday, August 12, 2013

Awake my Soul

I am a self-professed Mumford and Sons super fan. And this summer, we managed to secure tickets to the first leg of their Gentlemen of the Road Stopover Tour in Lewes.

As well as Mumford and Sons, the weekend line up also included Vampire Weekend, the Vaccines, and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, among others.

In short, it was an unbelievable weekend of camping, flowery headdresses, face paints, glitter, and copious amounts of fruit flavoured cider.

I think the following photographs sum up the two day festival pretty well!

Gentlemen of the Road tour
Gentlemen of the Road tour

Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons
Mumford and Sons
Vampire Weekend
The Vaccines
Ladies who festival
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Ladies who festival, take two
Sunny Lewes
PS - thanks Catie and Tara for the photos!